Business Travel Accident Plan

What to Know

Even when you’re hundreds of miles away from home, you have access to a selection of support services. Whether you come down with a bug, get into a car accident, or lose your luggage, our business travel accident plan can offer some serious peace of mind.

If you’re traveling for business or pleasure (executives only), you have 24/7 access to medical and travel assistance services around the world through AIG. Services include medical provider search and referrals, emergency medical evacuations, travel and safety information per locale, and translation services.

As part of this coverage, you’re also provided with travel assistance services from AIG Travel. Services available to you include:

  • Travel security assistance
  • Travel medical assistance
  • Concierge services

Business Travel Accident


Group #: 9158896
Toll-free (within the U.S.):
Collect or reverse charge (outside the U.S.): 715-346-0859