
What to Know

At Exelixis, we’re all about helping you pursue your dreams—and supporting you in helping your children follow theirs. We offer several programs that can make it a lot simpler and more affordable for you and your children to further your educations.

529 College Savings Plan

The 529 College Savings Plan allows you to save for your beneficiary’s college education with after-tax payroll deductions. Money that you put aside in the 529 plan grows over time on a tax-deferred basis. When it’s time to use the money for your beneficary’s college, you can spend it on eligible expenses: tuition, room and board, textbooks, and more.

What is a 529 investment plan for?

  • Saving for a student’s college education
  • Paying your graduate school expenses
  • Pursuing an interest through CE courses
  • Growing higher education savings tax-free

What college expenses does it cover?

  • Tuition
  • Room and board
  • Fees
  • Books, supplies and required equipment
  • Computer equipment and technology

What are the key benefits?

  • Grow and withdraw assets free of federal taxes
  • Additional state tax benefits, where applicable
  • Flexibility to transfer to another eligible relative
  • No income limitations for making contributions

Email Anne Seto to initiate the application process. Once you’re fully processed, Exelixis will begin to take deductions out of your paycheck.

Tuition Reimbursement

Exelixis recognizes that continued education is important to the development of our employees. Our tuition reimbursement program offers financial assistance for this education. As part of this program, Exelixis offers up to $5,250 of tax-free reimbursement per calendar year for coursework related to a career path at Exelixis.

Your reimbursement will be processed per the Corporate Travel & Expense (T&E) Policy. Please reference the Ecards, Receipts, and Reimbursements section.

Eligibility Requirements

  • You need to be a regular full-time employee with at least six months of service with Exelixis.
  • You need to be currently meeting the performance expectations of your position and in good standing.
  • You need to remain employed by Exelixis throughout the duration of the covered course of instruction.
  • The school or college should be accredited.
  • Courses can be part of a degree or nondegree program. Workshops, seminars, and professional certifications are not covered under the tuition reimbursement program and should be addressed through your department management.
  • Coursework occurs outside of normal working hours.
  • The skills and knowledge you obtain should apply to your current position, or to a position you might reasonably attain at Exelixis in the near future.

Guidelines for Course Preapproval

  • You must have the approval of your manager, as your manager will assess whether the investment will be mutually beneficial to both you and the company.
  • You need to complete the Tuition Preapproval Form with a copy of the course description and submit an HR Ticket in the JSM portal no later than four weeks prior to the class start date, prior to enrolling in the course for most cases.
  • The Tuition Preapproval Form must be completed and approved by your manager and Human Resources before enrolling in the course.
  • A separate preapproval form must be submitted for each course.

Guidelines for Reimbursement Approval

  • You may be reimbursed for the costs of tuition, books, registration, parking, and lab fees.
  • Undergraduate students must earn a C or better and graduate students a B or better to be reimbursed for approved expenses.
  • Certification program courses need to be job-related and graded to be reimbursed for approved expenses. (CR grade is acceptable for certification reimbursement.)
  • Complete a Reimbursement Request Form, attach copies of the grade report and receipts, and submit an HR Ticket in the JSM portal within 45 days of course completion.


  • Reimbursements will only be processed if there is a completed and signed preapproval form on file.
  • Requests to receive payment after the class has been taken, without preapproval, will NOT be reimbursed.
  • Required preapproval tests, such as the GRE, are not covered under the tuition reimbursement program.
  • If you receive tuition reimbursement, you authorize Exelixis to contact the institution to verify or confirm your academic standing.
  • Exelixis reserves the right to change or update the program/policy at any time.
  • “Per calendar year” refers to the year in which reimbursement is paid, not necessarily the year you started or completed the course(s).

How to Participate in the Tuition Reimbursement Program

  1. Review the Exelixis Tuition Reimbursement Program and Policy.
  2. Complete the Tuition Preapproval Form.
    • The Tuition Preapproval Form must be completed and approved by your manager and Human Resources before enrolling in the course.
    • You must have the approval of your manager, as your manager will assess whether the investment will be mutually beneficial to both you and the company.
    • Reimbursements will not be processed if the form was not completed.
  3. Submit the Tuition Preapproval Form with a copy of the course description by opening a ticket in the JSM portal no later than four weeks prior to the class start date.
  4. Once you’ve completed the course, submit a completed Reimbursement Request Form with your supporting documents through the JSM portal.

529 College Savings Plan

Morgan Stanley (for investment guidance)

Anne Seto

BlackRock College Advantage 529 Plan

Company code: 19006