
What to Know

The Exelixis dental plans offer you and your family coverage for preventive, basic, and major services. Although you can see any dentist you want, you’ll pay less when you receive dental care from a Guardian network dentist.

This plan is available to all U.S. employees. Guardian is our dental plan administrator.

You can choose between two plans. The Buy-Up Plan offers TMJ and orthodontia coverage as well as higher annual plan-year and orthodontia maximums. It also covers composite fillings. There is an employee contribution for this plan.

The Core Plan offers a lower annual plan maximum and no TMJ or orthodontia coverage, but it does offer coverage for composite fillings. This plan does not require an employee contribution—it’s free!—and is perfect for those employees who need preventive work and have low plan usage for basic and major work but do not have a need for TMJ or orthodontia services.

Guardian continues to be the dental plan administrator.

Calendar-year deductible (individual / family)
Plan-year maximum
Preventive services (deductible waived)
Basic services
Major services (includes implants)
Composite fillings
Orthodontia (adult and child)
Orthodontial lifetime maximum
TMJ services
Buy-Up Plan (In-Network)
$50 / $150
100% covered
90% covered
60% covered
90% covered
50% covered
60% covered
Buy-Up Plan (Out-of-Network)
$50 / $150
100% of R&C fee
90% of R&C fee
60% of R&C fee
90% of R&C fee
50% of R&C fee
60% of R&C fee
Core Plan (In-Network)
$50 / $150
100% covered
90% covered
60% covered
90% covered
Not covered
Not covered
Not covered
Core Plan (Out-of-Network)
$50 / $150
100% of R&C fee
90% of R&C fee
60% of R&C fee
90% of R&C fee
Not covered
Not covered
Not covered



8 a.m.–8:30 p.m. ET, Monday–Friday